All about PCOD and its diet plan for 2020


PCOD is a very common term that we hear as a woman. Today is one of the most common disorders that women's suffer from on a regular basis. However, there are many people who are not aware of this condition and the right way to treat it. PCOD is known as polycystic ovary disease. This is a hormonal disorder that one in every 10 women. In this condition it is seen that there is a number of cyst formation in the ovary of the women. This therefore results in abnormal hormonal issues.

Though PCOD is not life threatening but there are a number of health issues that can occur when a women suffer from the issue of PCOD. This is why it is very important for a person to take the necessary steps that will help them fight the issue better.

What is PCOD?

PCOD is a condition that affects the hormonal level in the body of the person. Such women have higher than normal amount of the male hormones present in them. This is also a major reason why such woman misses their menstrual cycle. It can also make it difficult for the women to get pregnant.

PCOD is commonly seen in people at their childbearing age which is mainly from 15 to 44 years of age. The problem arises when a woman have PCOD or PCOS but is not aware of it. According to a study it was seen that about 70% of the women who are suffering from PCOS have not been diagnosed.

Suffering from PCOD affects the ovary of the women. Ovary is the reproductive organ that produces progesterone and estrogen in the women's body. These are hormones that are needed to maintain the menstrual cycle of the women.

The three main components of PCOD or PCOS are-

  • the formation of cyst in the ovaries
  • irregular periods
  • elevated levels of male hormone in the body

What causes PCOD?

There is no exact reason that can lead to the formation of cyst in the ovary of the person. Some of the common factors that causes the issue of PCOD in women are as follows-

  • Genes- There is many studies that show that PCOD runs in the family. It is seen that there are many genes that contributes to causing this issue in people.

  • Insulin resistance- It is seen that up to 70 percent of the people who are suffering from the issue of PCOD has Insulin resistance. This means that the cells of such people are not able to use the insulin properly. The insulin is a hormone that is produced by the pancreas that helps the body to use the sugar from the food. This helps in proving the body with the needed amount of energy. When the cell of the person is not able to take the insulin properly, the body demands for a decrease in the insulin level. Thus the pancreas makes more insulin that triggers the ovaries to secrete high level of male hormones in the body.

Symptoms to look for

If you think there is a possibility for you to suffer from the issue of PCOD then here are some points to look for-

  • Irregular periods
  • Hair growth on the face, this condition is termed ads hirsutism.
  • Acne in the face, upper back and chest
  • Weight gain
  • Formation of dark patches on the skin
  • Headache in some women
  • Thinning of hair

The right diagnosis

Going to a doctor will help you know the right diagnosis that is meant for you. The doctor will look for sign such as- weight gain, excessive facial hair growth, acne etc. Getting an pelvic examination done will help you look at problems with your ovaries or other parts of the reproductive tract.

Blood tests are also very effective in finding out the condition. It checks the level of male hormone in the body of the women. They might also ask you to check your insulin and cholesterol levels.

Natural cure for PCOD

Let us have a look at the natural ways to cure the condition. As the doctor would be the best person tyo guide you with medication for PCOD.

Increase your Iron uptake

It is seen that many women with PCOS experience heavy bleeding during their periods. This can therefore result in causing iron deficiency in the person leading to anemia. Therefore, it is very important such women to take food that are rich in iron. The intake of food items such as eggs, broccoli, and spinach are a great way to add iron to your diet. However, it is best to get an blood test done to check the level of hemoglobin in the body before you increase the level of iron intake.

Lower your coffee intake

The use of coffee can cause change in the level of estrogen in the body of the person. Try to boost the level of energy using other food sources. If you really wish to add caffeine to your body then it is best to choose green tea that helps to improve the health of the person. It is also very effective in managing the weight in the body of the person.

Take soy products

It is seen that taking soy products is very effective in improving the level of hormones in the body of the person. It acts as estrogen that helps to balance the hormones in the body of people who have PCOD. You can add Soy to your diet through the intake of miso, tofu, soy milk and tempeh.

The use of evening Primrose oil

There are many evidences that show that the use of Evening primrose oils is very effective in helping with period pain and irregular menstruation. It is also very effective in improving the level of cholesterol and oxidative stress in women which is associated with PCOD.

The use of Cod liver oil

The use of Cod liver oil helps in PCOD as they are rich in Vitamin A and vitamin D. They also contains large amount of Omega- 3 fatty acids. These acids are very helpful in regulating the menstruation in women and also in getting rid of the fats that is present around the waist. 

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